Combined film and digital camera (2006)
Some time in 2006 a digital camera surfaced on eBay. It was a digital camera and a 35mm film camera combined into one camera body. Not a novelty (see the Vivitar DIGI 35mm page) but it was something that was marketed. The quality of course was catastrophic and it could be considered a toy rather than a real (hi-tech) camera. The last time I saw it on eBay was for $39.
- Marke: Unknown
- Modell: unknown
- Zuerst erwähnt: 2006
- Vermarktet: yes
- UVP: $39
- Bildsensortyp: -
- Auflösung: -
- Interner Speicher: -
- Externer Speicher: 35mm film and SD
- Objektiv: Fixed focus
- Verschlusszeiten: -
- Blenden: -
- LCD Größe: -
- Maße: -
- Gewicht: -
- Anmerkungen: video recording mode