Express Office Automation Kc1.0 Prototype (2000)
Shown at Comdex Fall 2000. An unknown company from Hong Kong showcased this digital camera. I don't think the strong resemblence to an existing Fujifilm camera is a coincedence. The companies name is Express Office Automation and this was their first model. I guess it also was their only model and.. ah well, never mind!
- Marke: Express Office Automation
- Modell: Kc1.0
- Zuerst erwähnt: 2000
- Vermarktet: no
- UVP: $23
- Bildsensortyp: CMOS
- Auflösung: 640x480
- Interner Speicher: 1MB
- Externer Speicher: -
- Objektiv: -
- Verschlusszeiten: -
- Blenden: -
- LCD Größe: -
- Maße: -
- Gewicht: -
- Anmerkungen: -