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Nikon Still Video Camera (© Pierre Jarleton)

Samsung Kenox SSC-410N Prototype (1996)

This item is about the Samsung SSC-410N prototype that was demonstrated at the Photokina 1986 fair. When you look at the labels you can see the differences.

Samsung SSC-420N (1997)

Samsung SSC-420N (1997)

According to a reputable german website www.adf.de, Samsung showcased two of their earliest digital cameras at the 1997 Paris Photo 1997 Salon internationale de la photographie.

Possible picture of the Samsung SDC-30 (© watch.impress.jp)

Samsung SDC-30/35 (1997)

The Samsung SDC-30 / 35 digital camera is completely identical to the marketed Samsung SDC-33.

Samsung SDC-50 (1997)

Samsung SDC-50 (1997)

Austrian magazine Mobile Times published an article in issue 17 about a follow-up digital camera to Samsung's SDC-30/33. Mobile Times refers to it as the Samsung SDC-50.

Samsung Digimax 30 official picture (© Samsung Corporation)

Samsung Digimax 30 (1998)

Shown at PMA 1998. Also, as well as the Digimax 30, based on the 1997 released Intel 971 PC Camera Kit.

Samsung Digimax 50 (© Impress Corporation)

Samsung Digimax 50 (1998)

At CeBIT 1998, Samsung showed a new concept digital camera, the Samsung Digimax 50...

Samsung Digimax 100 (© Impress Corporation)

Samsung Digimax 100 (1998)

Oh well, there is nothing to say here. Whoever visited PMA Spring '98 could see a poster at the wall of the Samsung booth that showed a picture of the Digimax 100

Samsung SDC-55 Pop-Eye (© watch.impress.co.jp)

Samsung SDC-55 "Pop-Eye" (1998)

1998 really was a "Samsung" year. They presented half a dozen prototypes at different tech fairs. This was another one

Samsung SDC-56 (© watch.impress.co.jp)

Samsung SDC-56 (1998)

This was not at all a novelty (Epson had it back in 1996) but Samsung seemed to like it. At the Cebit 1998 they presented the SDC-56 with a detachable and rotatable lens (SDT-56). As before no other information available.

Samsung CShot (© Impress Corporation)

Samsung CShot (1998)

A rather unusual camera Samsung showed at the CeBIT 1998. The LCD screen could be switched from left to right side and would allow left or right handed operation. No other information available.

Samsung Digimax 80(© The Imaging Resource)

Samsung Digimax 80 (1999)

Yet another one of the Jenoptik JD11 clones. The Samsung Digimax 80 was shown at PMA Spring '99, unannounced before

Samsung Digimax 150 (© The Imaging Resource)

Samsung Digimax 150 (1999)

The Samsung Digimax 150 also was shown at PMA Spring '99, it was briefly featured on Samsung's website. It's target price was $399

Samsung Digimax 150 (© The Imaging Resource)

Samsung NEXCA SDC-130Z (2000)

The Samsung NEXCA SDC-130Z could be seen at Comdex Fall 2000 and looked a bit like the Digimax 130Z...

Samsung Digimax 150 (© The Imaging Resource)

Samsung NEXCA SDC-200Z (2000)

The Samsung NEXCA SDC-200Z could be seen at Comdex Fall 2000 and had almost similar features as the Digimax 210SE...

Samsung Cybermax (© Impress Corp.)

Samsung Cybermax (2000)

The Samsung Cybermax was shown at PMA 2000 and would have been marketed as the Samsung Digimax 35 but never was.

Samsung Cybermax Plus (© Impress Corp.)

Samsung Cybermax Plus (2000)

The Samsung Cybermax Plus was also shown at PMA 2000 and would have been marketed as the Samsung Digimax 35 MP3

Samsung Digimax 150 (© The Imaging Resource)

Samsung NEXCA SDC-200i (2001)

The Samsung NEXCA SDC-200i was entirely aimed at tech savvy women in their twenties. It featured a two megapixel CCD sensor.